As you may remember, I recently received a certified letter from the attorney of another jewelry company suggesting that I stop using the name WorldWise Jewelry (see The Dreaded Certified Letter post for more info).  Well, I sent a response to the owner of the other jewelry company, hereinafter “OJC,” (see how legal I can sound if I need to??) to let him know that

1) my organic jewelry looks nothing like the fine jewelry in their jewelry collection (“The Collection”),
2) it’s not likely anyone would ever confuse our companies, our jewelry or our websites, and
3) I’m just a little, tiny artisan jewelry business in another state and have spent (for me) a considerable amount of money on branding and marketing my handmade jewelry and my company name.

A couple of days ago, I received another certified letter from the OJC saying they would like to settle this issue amicably — which I very much appreciate.  They asked me to agree to two things:

1) that I won’t trademark the name “WorldWise Jewelry,” and
2) that I won’t ever use karated gold, platinum, diamonds or other precious gemstones in my jewelry designs.

Agreeing to the first request I can do, but request number two?  That seems to be pretty dang restrictive since nearly every jeweler out there uses these materials in their designs.

So off went my certified letter back to the OJC saying that I agree to request number one, and while I can’t agree to request number two, I can agree that I won’t design or sell any jewelry that looks like The Collection.

So now I’m just waiting to see what the OJC’s response to my letter will be.  Hope it’s amicable…